Hi Vicki

I have finished reading your book “Child of the War Years”.

This is a thoroughly entertaining and candid expose of what life was like for you in those years. At times hilarious and other times sad, it evoked many memories of my own childhood and the times spent with your family. Your writing style means that this book should be enjoyed by all who read it, whether or not they know the characters.

Love  Greg

Thankyou for such a great read + inviting us to your book launch. I initially intended to read it all in one day which would be easy because it is so engrossing. I have since realised it is like a fine wine to be savoured at the end of the day. I am so grateful for the memories you are sharing. It is special to read about my Pop (John) who I loved but never really knew eg; his curry. Also, it makes me realise that families growing up in rentals is not new. You are truly an inspiration – accolades again Vicki
